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lifejacket KRU XF

A versatile and lightweight lifejacket that is ISO approved, AIS ready and features Wave Barrier technology, the Kru XF is ideal for coastal sailing & general water sports.

Wave Barrier technology:
  • Wave Barrier technology delivers sub 5 second super-fast turn speed.
  • The wearer is placed on their back keeping airways raised above water.
  • The interlocking bladder blocks the flow of water into the wearers airways, massively reducing the risk of secondary drowning.

lifejacket KRU XF Junior

The Kru XF Junior lifejacket is ideal for chidlren weighing 15-40kg with its 115 Newtons of buoyancy but is approved to the higher 150 Newton standard (proportion of 150 Newtons relating to size).

The lifejacket comes with an integrated crotch strap for extra safety, a contoured neck fir additional comfort and in water support and an improved floatation angle in the water and height adjustment tunnels on the rear backstrap.

The XFJunior comes in automatic version only which means that the lifejacket will inflate on water entry but there is also a manual override handle in the unlikely case of an emergency.

Lifeline AED

The original Defibtech AED includes all mission critical features necessary to provide the most advanced treatment for Sudden Cardiac Arrest. It is so simple and unintimidating to use that even non-medical personnel can effectively save lives.

  • Clear Voice Prompts
  • Designed for the Real-World
  • Active Status Indicator
  • Highly Visible
  • Rugged and Durable
  • Easy to Upgrade
  • Easy to Record and Transfer Data
  • Simple to Use

Lifeline ARM ACC

Meet the Lifeline ARM Automated Chest Compression (ACC, a device for performing mechanical chest compressions when effective manual CPR is not possible.

In an emergency situation, the Lifeline ARM when used as an adjunct to manual CPR, provides extended CPR with minimal interruptions when fatigue, insufficient personnel, or patient transport (e.g., ambulance, intra-hospital) may prohibit the delivery of effective/consistent compressions to the victim.

The Lifeline ARM has an extremely simplified Control Panel where just two steps are needed to initiate mechanical CPR:

  • Adjust the Compression Piston height relative to the patient’s chest for beginning compressions by using the Up / Down softkey buttons located on the Control Panel of the Compression Module
  • Depending on the protocol that is in line with your designated emergency response procedures, choose between “Run Continuous,” which performs chest compressions only (no breathing) for continuous chest compressions, or “Run with Breaths,” which follows the compressions with breaths protocol by using programmed pauses for rescue breaths.

Light & Smoke Signal

SOLAS requires one of these markers to be mounted on each bridge wing attached to a 4kg lifebuoy. Mounted in its steel bracket on each bridge wing attached to a lifebuoy. Signal can be mounted up to 56m above sea level. (SOLAS only requires>30m). Produces dense orange smoke for 15 minutes and 2 LED lights burn at 2 candela for 2 hours minimum. Signals location of a man overboard by day or night.

Linethrower 250 Body and Line

Self-contained linethrowing appliance. Plastic launcher with 250m of 4mm dia line. Needs to be fitted with 9500800 rocket prior to use. Typically 4 units required to be carried on SOLAS vessels. Replace container along with every third set of rockets i.e. after 9 years. NON hazardous for transport without rocket fitted.

Linethrower 250 Rocket

Replacement Rocket for use in Linethower 250 Body and Line container Item No.9500700

SOLAS typically requires that 4 Linethrowing appliances are carried by ships.

Marine hose- MED SINFLEX

The Marine hose is characterized by its lightweight. Flexible and low friction loss. It is a multipurpose hose suitable for a wide range of applications.


EN 14540:2014 certified
MED SOLAS certified

EN 14540:2014 certified
MED SOLAS certified
Light weight
Good flexibility
High elasticity
The liner process produces an amazingly thin but
Extreme low friction loss
Temperature range from -10°C to 55°C (14°F to 131°F)


The Sealite Marine Solar Regulator is ideal for marine installations. The regulator acts as an intelligent switch between the battery terminal and the solar panel.

Medium Temperature Dry Block Calibrator

ETC 600/ETC 600-2

• Range : 50 to 600°C

• Accuracies : ±0.1% F.S. +1 digit (ETC 600); ±0.15% F.S. +1 digit (ETC 600-2)

• Cost Effective – Economy Model

• Immersion Depth : 110 mm (ETC 600); 190 mm (ETC 600-2)

• Calibration at Site, Fast & Reliable

• PD Temperature Control

• Analog Output

• Switch Test facility

• Interchangeable Thermowell Inserts, Single / Multihole

Mini Porter

The Mini Porter offers the highest reliability, ease of use and function employing superior technology, engineering, and manufacturing quality. The Mini Porter offers a 360 degree maneuverability, roll & turn easily in any spaces, and move hoses safely even at the maximum rated capacity.

The mini porter is an assistance device for maneuvering fire hose in operations. These pipes generally range from 25 to 110mm for conventional missions. Because of the high pressure, the hose becomes much stiffer and more difficult to maneuver, especially since the length of hose deployed is important. The difficulties of maneuver are related to the stiffness of the pipe once under pressure on the one hand but also and especially to the weight of the pipe on the other hand.

MK3 Odeo Flare

Odeo stands for Omni Directional Electrical Optical signal and is an innovative replacement and enhancement to traditional hand flares.

Traditional flares will illuminate for around 30 seconds before extinguishing: the Odeo Flare™ illuminates for around 6 hours at full illumination. Because no pyrotechnics are used, the Odeo Flare™ is totally safe when switched off, and because it uses battery power (high power Lithium or Alkaline cells), it can even be safely posted or carried in baggage on flights.

Whilst originally designed for marine use, its lightweight, safe performance means that it is incredibly useful for any outdoor activity. Mountaineering, skiing, expeditions etc. – any activity can benefit from the added safety and security of carrying a distress flare – without the unwanted dangers.